Thursday, July 26, 2012

@TheChalkOutline I'm off Legacy prkwy watching a guy in a King Air buzz 100 ft off ground in restricted SLC airspace, dodging lines & towers
9:41 PM July 26th via TweetDeck
You hear anything about an aircraft buzzing restricted airspace like SLC and Francis Peak? @TheChalkOutline
9:37 PM July 26th via TweetDeck
The train man commeth! Watched @rideuta testing frontrunner at Murray North Station.
1:23 PM July 26th via TweetDeck
Ben made Eastwood such a star. RT @BenBHorsley I just can't get the theme to The Fall Guy out of my head. #randomthoughts
11:50 AM July 26th via TweetDeck
RT @MrMediaTraining: ICYMI: A #PR professor argues that reporters have a professional duty to be more polite: #jour ...
6:53 AM July 26th via TweetDeck
RT @eEditor: Most satisfied demographic in the Walmart shopping group? Blind people.
6:52 AM July 26th via TweetDeck

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