Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Quick hint for you Google Play: Recommending I buy music I already own, isn't a recommendation.
4:38 PM July 17th via TweetDeck
SoundGecko converts web articles into MP3's. Tjis looks like some cool teh.
4:28 PM July 17th via TweetDeck
RT @BenWinslow: "SkyWest is fully cooperating with the FBI's investigation of this incident," airline says. St. George Airport closed TF ...
4:01 PM July 17th via TweetDeck
Looks like the crash at BTF yesterday happened during a practice autorotation. Not a school based at BTF.
3:51 PM July 17th via TweetDeck
RT @BlondHousewife: And as the President tells us, if you are having a great day, thank the collective. You had nothing to do with it, y ...
12:24 PM July 17th via TweetDeck

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