Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Thats a sonic boom Steve! RT @eEditor What in the world is that booming sound in Davis County this morning? Woke me out of a sound sleep...
9:14 AM July 4th via TweetDeck
RT @Andy_Staples Friendly reminder: If your host serves you hamburgers and hot dogs today, you are not at a barbecue. You are at a cookout.
9:12 AM July 4th via TweetDeck
RT @WSJ: What was America like in 1776? It had highest per capita income in civilized world, and lowest taxes #four ...
9:11 AM July 4th via TweetDeck
RT @RealTimeWWII: Happy Independence Day, U.S. citizens! The United States is, as of today, one of the last 14 democracies in the world. ...
9:08 AM July 4th via TweetDeck

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