Wednesday, July 04, 2012

About all ya need for a rockin' good time:
11:54 PM July 4th via TweetDeck
Yes, my Independence Day celebration was sweet!
11:53 PM July 4th via TweetDeck
So, just how many fires have been started by fireworks? How many of those have been from residents in non wilderness facing areas?
11:46 PM July 4th via TweetDeck
Adorable dog man! RT @youtah ...Staying inside where it's cool and outside where she wants to be, at the same time...
11:43 PM July 4th via TweetDeck
RT @JDavola: Today we celebrate the birth of our nation. But to some on #utpol it is a time to bitch about all of its problems.
11:34 PM July 4th via TweetDeck

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