Please, on Tuesday, no matter what state you live in, go and vote for John Kerry. Even if the lines are long. Even if the ballot is confusing. Even if you believe that your votes doesn’t count. Please vote for John Kerry.I've always tried to ignore the personal beliefs and political orientation of celebrities I admire. However, I feel more strongly about who should lead this country, both presidentially and congressionaly, than I do about who's music I listen to. I'd rather give BNL the shove, than let them shove this vitriallic (read the rest of that blog post) propaganda down my throat and the throats of others from a podium that I helped create through the money I gave them.
From Surprise! It's October! submitted by Steve
Beyond that, I've got to say that it irks me that four Canadian citizens (I'm not sure if Jim is Canadian or American) tell me how much they hate the politics of a President that I admire. I don't think they realize that thier hatred of the icon of my ideals and belifes (at least in this election year) is insulting to me indricetly but just as poignantly.
I don't see why I would continute to follow and support a group of people who care so little about those who pay thier salary and even worship them. If they care so little about me, why should I care so much about them?
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