Tuesday, November 02, 2004

And another thing...

Just for the record, here is how I voted today, if anyone wanted to know just what my political views are:
  • President: George W. Bush/Dick Cheeny
  • Govenor: John Huntsman
  • Attorney General: Mark Shurtleff
  • District 1 US Rep: Rob Bishop (reluctantly)
  • State Constitutional Ammendment 1: Yes
  • State Constitutional Ammendment 2: Yes
  • State Constitutional Ammendment 3: Yes (most fervently)
  • Citizens Initiative 1: Against (I do not support legislation by intiative, especially this inititive which is sloppy and grants money and power beyond it's intial scope.)
  • Davis County Proposition 1: Yes (whether flouride is good or bad to have in the water, I don't know difinitively. However, I feel in my gut it's right, and above all else, why am I voting again for an issue two thirds of the county voted in favor of two years ago?)
Against the recomendation of the State's Democrat Committee I voted for republicans in races where my knowledge of a candidate did not completly satisfy my standard. I have been very much dissapointed by the Utah DNC's radio adds telling me that if I am unsure, I should vote for the democrat becasue we need balance and more democrats will keep the republicans honest! I don't believe that anyone from either pary will inherently be disshonest if they control a majority of political turf. The insinuation is quite insulting to me. I have in the past been inclined to consider democrats, at least on the state level, carefully. Today, I had no such inclination. Perhaps the Utah DNC will more carefully listen to the great citizens that they lead (my neighbors and associates) who seem to have no desire to ahlinanate a possible voter through such rhetoric.

Lastly, I did not vote out any judge currently up for reelction, nor did I vote in favor of retaining any said judge. I have not had any reason to remove a sitting judge that I had the option of removing in this election, and I have not researched the records of the judges on the ballott to cast an opinion in favor of them. In Utah, a lack of a vote does not help nor hinder the candidate therefore, I chose not to upset the opion of others based on my lack of knowledge.

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