Monday, August 06, 2012

RT @Lando_Cal: Earth finally hits mars, big whoop now I gotta move my emergency stash of Colt 45 & my secret bantha rib sauce. #Been ...
6:34 AM August 6th via TweetDeck
RT @OneOfSwords: Mars photos look low-res because either a) the camera had to withstand 350 million space-miles or b) Curiosity uses Ins ...
3:39 AM August 6th via TweetDeck
RT @DMC_Ryan: Why don't we do awesome shit in space more often? Human accomplishment is amazing. Welcome to Mars, Curiosity Rover. Congr ...
3:32 AM August 6th via TweetDeck
@zpower RT @MarsCuriosity Pass the Peanuts! They're an @NASAJPL good-luck tradition since Ranger 7 in 1964 #MSL
3:27 AM August 6th via TweetDeck

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