Friday, July 27, 2012

FYI, Matt Harakal tweeted me and confirmed Hatch has signed. Thank You Senator! RT @mharakal: @jeepcruzer Yes, he has.
9:22 PM July 27th via TweetDeck
At first glance I thought @youtah was commenting about female canines - RT : my back itches
7:54 AM July 27th via TweetDeck
Go Mike! Has @orrinhatch signed? RT @SenMikeLee signed letter by @JerryMoran to signal opposition to UN Arms Treaty:
7:50 AM July 27th via TweetDeck
RT @SportsBizMiss: Opening Ceremony not sold out yet. Seats available are in £2,012 and £1,600 price categories.
7:39 AM July 27th via TweetDeck
RT @DLtoday: Jungle Cruise is closed for a week to shrink the gap between boats and the dock @arounddisney
7:30 AM July 27th via TweetDeck
Explains big push to get into public charter schools there. RT @DavisSchools Foxboro Ele back in school. Now year-round
7:25 AM July 27th via TweetDeck
RT @Coneyscustard: :) RT @youtah: Did you know that Utah does *not* eat the most ice cream per capita in the US? Alaska has 1st place. L ...
7:16 AM July 27th via TweetDeck

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