Thursday, June 14, 2012

RT @BeatlesTweets: Today in 1965, Paul McCartney sat down in Abbey Road Studios and recorded "Yesterday" with just a guitar and a microphone
11:12 PM June 14th via TweetDeck
RT @BlondHousewife: I hope you were all good little boys and girls and Betsy Ross brought you all presents. Happy Flag Day to us all.
9:14 AM June 14th via TweetDeck
RT @StatueLibrtyNPS: #365Days of #Liberty- 6/14 Happy Flag Day! The United States adopted the "Stars and Stripes" in 1777.
9:11 AM June 14th via TweetDeck
RT @amhistorymuseum: Happy Birthday @usarmy! Today in 1775: The United States #Army is founded.
8:11 AM June 14th via TweetDeck

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