Wednesday, June 27, 2012

@BenBHorsley Good point. Mandatory recount in SL County? Think Mike will ask for one anyway?
9:42 AM June 27th via TweetDeck
Interesting analysis. RT @bountifulnews What Do We Learn from Utah's Primary Election Results? - #bountiful #utah
8:57 AM June 27th via TweetDeck
Just 4 teams? Well, it's better than nothing! Rock on!
1:12 AM June 27th via TweetDeck
Tough luck tonight. @BenBHorsley a pat on the back to you and Winder.
12:30 AM June 27th via TweetDeck
RT @jermsguy: Proud of my votes. Now I need to shop tomorrow for my "Don't Blame Me; I Voted for the Other Guy" bumper sticker. #utpol ...
12:19 AM June 27th via TweetDeck

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