Monday, April 09, 2012

No @martytheelder? I hope @Bungie's game comes quick! RT @Xbox A new composer will create the series' music score. @
6:00 PM April 9th via TweetDeck
I miss you @NerdTrivia bot :-(
I hope you come back soon!
5:54 PM April 9th via TweetDeck
Brilliant! RT @zpower I am adding a second "instagram monitor" to my PC with the white balance adjusted so yellow instagrams look normal.
5:52 PM April 9th via TweetDeck
@4sqSupport I'm ready to can 4square. My workplace was deleted and attempts to get it back failed. Y keep playing, can't check in @ work?
2:16 PM April 9th via web
RT @TheRealNimoy: Credit where it's due. Theodore Sturgeon wrote "Live Long And Prosper" in great Star Trek script, "Amok Time". LLAP
6:32 AM April 9th via TweetDeck
RT @TheChalkOutline: Sad that some newspapers are putting up paywalls. Alienates readers who will get news elsewhere #utah #journalism
5:40 AM April 9th via TweetDeck

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