Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Yes, even the 3D hater is planning ahead to see this one. (@ Megaplex 14 at Legacy Crossing) [pic]: http://t.co/tarNCCCu
6:54 PM February 7th via foursquare
RT @gsutah: @JeepCruzer Resolution recoggnizing 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts! HCR008 http://t.co/L4rbOqW7 @gsutah #girlscouts #utpol
3:31 PM February 7th via TweetDeck
@gsutah What resolution are the girl scouts lobbying for?
1:46 PM February 7th via TweetDeck
How can it be unconstitutional to amend your own constitution?
11:04 AM February 7th via TweetDeck

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