Friday, September 16, 2011


Why didn't I see @BenBHorsley on my ballot yesterday?
12:17 PM September 14th via TweetDeck
@centervilleut City Council Top 3:
Lawrence Wright 599 18.00%
John T Higginson 552 16.59%
Kay R Ashton 499 15.00%
12:15 PM September 14th via TweetDeck
13.7% of @centervilleut 's 9,092 registered voters decided the final election line up. The biggest turnout of any city in the county.
12:10 PM September 14th via TweetDeck
Correction, thats Left Pattern traffic on RWY 34 to be precise.
8:06 AM September 14th via TweetDeck
Just watched a 172 fly LP traffic at BTF. His downind leg was right through bravo airspace. #charts #afd 's #usethem
8:05 AM September 14th via TweetDeck
RT @zpower: still not comfortable that ducati and mercedes benz are working together. strange bedfellows.
6:53 AM September 14th via TweetDeck

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