Sunday, August 30, 2009

Zoo View

Emma loved her first trip to @Hogle_Zoo ! This was a super way to wrap up the summer. The facility was more fun than I remembered. I scooted about sipping Diet Coke while Emma raced to elephants, giraffes and monkeys. Emma loved the penguins and the zebras, I loved watching a leopard hiding the corner of it's enclosure. Staff were stringing trees with lights, looks like I already need to start gearing up for Zoo Lights this Dec.


Kellie said...

Sounds like fun! I haven't been to the zoo since...well, must be a decade or so. Ah, now that we have Catherine I'll probably go soon!

Doug - The JeepCruzer said...

Emma is willing to volunteer her services as a tour gide on you next trip to the zoo! ;-)