Monday, August 03, 2009

To The Museum!

What do you do when you're bummed out cause you dropped mom off at the airport? Go to the Museum! Of course, I'm out of touch. The "Children's Museum" of my youth has given way to the "Discovery Gateway." Emma cared little for the name, she was very excited to visit a MUSEUM having recently seen Night At The Museum 2. She was not disappointed by the non-museum either. There were plenty of activities to keep Emma occupied. Her favorite things? 1. Dressing up in various costumes. 2. The "Tube Wall" 3. Television news studio. 4. The farm.  We squeezed out every bit of fun we could too.  No less than 6 hours after our arrival, the pangs of imminent starvation were the only motivators for Emma to move on and anticipate her next visit... To The Museum!

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