Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Love and Friendship

Love and Friendship
Love is like the wild rose briar,
Friendship is like the holly tree-
The holly is dark when the rose briar blooms
but which will bloom more constantly?

The wild rose briar is sweet in spring,
It's summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild briar fair?

Then scorn the silly rose wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He still may leave thy garland green

Emily Bronte
I am fortunate to have found both the rose and the holly. They grow from the same branch in my home. I hope each of you might do the same. The Herb Society - Rose

1 comment:

Zack said...

Hey Dougee. I'm glad that you and hannaH feel that way. That's awesome. I feel really lucky that my best friend wasn't a dude :o)
Hey, while I'm leaving a comment, Ever since you made your comment at your awesome concert about having a Transformers appointment, I've been checking your blog, hoping for a review. So, how about it?