Monday, January 03, 2005

♫ Say My Name ♪

As I was browsing the list of top 100 baby names of 2004 as listed by I was fascinated to note how many of my friends and family's names were on the boys' list. It was even more interesting to notice that only half as many of my friends and family's names ended up on the list of most popular girl's names. I don't know what that means, if anyting, but it's interesting none the less. There was one caveat however: I decided to bolster my brother-in-law's ego and not count "Erin" in the list of most popular names, even though it appeard as number 80 on the girl's list. (We Love You Erin!)

Boys' Names

3. Ethan
8. Joshua
11. Zachary
12. Andrew
14. Jack
19. Alexander /47. Alex
20. Nathan
26. James
27. Daniel
28. Benjamin
76. Brian

Girls' Names

1. Emma
8. Hannah
9. Sarah
51. Paige
69. Audrey
74. Claire

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that "Zackery" in it's pure, unadulterated, and funetik spelling is not on the most popular list. I guess most people prefer unpure, adulterated, and phoenetic nowadays. Wierdos.
- note that this is an ANONYMOUS posting...