Saturday, November 05, 2011


The great kitchen project rolls on! Check out this sneak peak of the to-be finished project.
3:21 PM November 5th via TweetDeck
I hate it when a website forces my smartphone to use a mobile url instead of a desktop url. I'm looking at you @Twitter @mobilesupport
7:34 AM November 5th via TweetDeck
Triumph Of The Nerds was fascinating. Would love to see this. RT @verge 'Lost' Steve Jobs interview from 1995 found.
7:21 AM November 5th via TweetDeck
RT @TheChalkOutline: #Centerville homes evacuated after gas leak #utah
7:11 AM November 5th via TweetDeck
Awesome graphic showing lake effect band. RT @NWSSaltLakeCity Lake effect snow in Salt Lake County this morning. #Utwx
7:03 AM November 5th via TweetDeck

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