Monday, October 03, 2011

I uploaded a @YouTube video Ken Ingram and Super Hero
10:24 PM September 25th via Google
----------------------------------------------------------- - My brother, Ken, knocks out a set with Super Hero (local rock and ska band.) He's playing baritone trombone (clos
8:33 PM September 25th via TwitVid iPhone
RT @JessicaRedfield: I'm from Texas and I HATE when Stars fans yell out "Stars" during the National Anthem.
8:24 PM September 25th via TweetDeck
I touched Miss Betty Boop (! #cgeo #geocaching
6:25 PM September 25th via c:geo
I touched military mission (! #cgeo #geocaching
6:23 PM September 25th via c:geo
I found Cache to Eagle - Westminster (! #cgeo #geocaching
6:20 PM September 25th via c:geo
I found Dog Gone It (! #cgeo #geocaching
5:10 PM September 25th via c:geo
I found do you have an appointment? (! #cgeo #geocaching
4:19 PM September 25th via c:geo
I found $25 Fine (! #cgeo #geocaching
3:38 PM September 25th via c:geo
I found Popcorn popping on the ......Tree (! #cgeo #geocaching
3:28 PM September 25th via c:geo
I found Hear the Water (! #cgeo #geocaching
3:03 PM September 25th via c:geo

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