Monday, January 31, 2011

Tweet Round Up

[Editors Note:] Doug's tweets will now appear as a weekly feature covering all the status updates for the previous seven days.

  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    @utahsenate I second that sentiment. The perception of how time is spent (by media) is worse than any junk resolution that gets introduced.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    To clarify my prvious post: We didn't need ethics reform to make it ok to accept cookies just because someone is an elected official. #utpol
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    @utahsenate thanks for watching me on timeline. I find it sad we have to set a gift limit. I did not feel we needed Ethics reform.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    It's ok for elected officials to accept Girl Scout Cookies. Gee, thanks ethics reform [sarcasam.] #utpol #gsutah
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    I find it strangely satisfying to get up early for breakfast before work. Someone pinch me.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    The Jeep is going to need new tires soon. Should I get more mudders or switch back to an all-terrain?
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    Gonna try ubuntu. Kinda hate the dual boot, but this old machine needs a streamlined OS. I feel real geekie/techie right about now.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    Almost two weeks into the new job and, though I'm exhausted, I'm really happy.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    Playing Catch Phrase with the family.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    It's Girl Scout Cookies time again and everyone's favorite Girl Scout (Emma) would love to bring you your favorite caramel coated treat.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    Lend me your prayers! I had a good job interview today I hope it turns out well.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    Judging battle of the bands. This should be cool. (@ Woods Cross High School)
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    I'm hearing that the TCU game was awesome so I'm watching it on Xbox. HD is so pretty. This is awesome.
  • Doug (JeepCruzer)
    Tron was pretty sweet. Might have to go back for another round.

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