Monday, August 03, 2009

Two Geocaching Adventures

In the not so distant past the family set out to find a few geocaches. One trip took us out to the palins of the Great Salt Lake. There were a few geocaches located North of the Airport that begged me to visit. We were lucky to have the airport using runways 34 so the traffic was taking off over our heads. We tried to work quickly becasue the area, though public land, is well patrolled by airport police (even considering they are usually accomodating, I would rather not have the meeting to begin with.) We embarked on another trip over the the Pioneer Day weekend seeking caches along East Canyon and the original Mormon Pioneer trail. The network of trails was beautiful with lush foliage and even a healthy amount of wildflowers. We didn't find as many geocaches on this trip, but we ended in the mood for more caching adventures (but that's another story.)

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