Monday, August 03, 2009

I Don't See Any Bears In There

Summer vacation 2009 was a blessed three day retreat at Bear Lake. My brother, wanting to share his good fortune, invited the family to spend a few days enjoying his new boat. Another brother provided a connection for some pleasant accomodations just up the hill from the Utah marina. We turned off our phones for a bit and relaxed in the placid, turquoise water stopping only to enjoy a game of pool, an evening around the fire or tossing a ball around on the expansive grounds. We enjoyed having an entire floor of the home to ourselves and Emma even had her own "room" (a closet/unsued playroom built beneath the stairs which Emma immediately claimed for her use.) With the exception of the extreme sunburn that Hannah came home with (the discount sunscreen was sub-par for sure) everything ended up quite well.

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